Engagement, v. 3.0

As many of you know, Jennica and I have been dating for quite a while now. Over the last year and a half we’ve been through a lot of things together, had a lot of fun, and generally found ourselves more and more often wishing (at least I was) that we could stay together permanently.

Well, truth be told, it doesn’t just happen on its own, so I started the process. A while back Jennica had a silver ring that she took to a jewelers to have cleaned and I told her to look around and see what she liked while she was waiting. She came back with a fairly certain idea of what she liked and didn’t like. So I took that information and ran with it. I ended up downtown in the diamond district, checking out stones and a band. Picked it out and then waited a week for it to be ready.

Last Friday then, it was finally ready. But I had a paper to write, and Jennica was using my car because hers was in the shop. She was finally finished with it, and wanted to hang out, but I needed to go pick up this ring. Kinda blundered my way through it all and left Santa Clarita to go pick it up. Only there was something like 5 auto collisions on the freeway going down, so I was late, very late. But it was ok, didn’t miss the guy after all and everything on the way home was fine.

Anyway, I got back to Santa Clarita and went over to Jennica’s place. We have a Friday commitment to stuff the bulletins for church, so I picked those up on my way over. When I got there, Jennica was asleep, so I woke her up with a phone call and then sort of talked her into going for a walk after we hung out for a little while.

We went over to Bridgeport (very nice neighborhood with a man-made pond) and walked all the way around the lake. We’ve done this many times in the past, but most memorably when we started dating, we talked out a lot of details in a certain spot along the banks. So we walked all the way around, and ended up at that spot, where we first started dating, and as we stood there Jennica was hugging me, leaning on me as we talked. I said something about her being my sweetheart forever, and she wasn’t terribly opposed to the idea. So I took the ring box out of my pocket as I told her I had a present for her, and she proceeded to death hug my arm while I showed her the ring and then asked her to marry me.

She said I was crazy, which I am, and somewhere in there said that she WOULD marry me. I was so happy, and she couldn’t stop smiling! And so we were engaged. We then went back to her apartment and sat in the car making phone calls to both of our families. We had a good time doing that and even manged to call a few of our friends that night too!

Saturday was already rather busy, but I think we both managed to call a few more people, and then Sunday we had a great time telling people at church. Everyone was soo happy and excited that we were finally engaged!! Sunday night we had a good time at a church-wide event, our pastor was even so excited that he stopped in the middle of his presentation and told everyone that we had just gotten engaged!! It was pretty great! 🙂

I am sure there are a lot of questions, many of them we have no answers to at this point. We are hoping to pull our wedding together this summer, but we don’t have any further details at this time. We’d really like to have it all planned out already, but these things take time and we haven’t had all that much. 😛

And, this post is labeled ‘Engagement, v. 3.0’ because v. 1.0 and v. 2.0 have already been written . . . 😀

3 thoughts on “Engagement, v. 3.0

  1. I think it is fantastic that you two are engaged. I was hoping it would happen soon, and here it is! Congratulations!

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