Mexico Bound

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to put something up here for both of my active readers.

I am going to Mexico this weekend. My church is working with Hands of Mercy on a loft house project. Information on the project can be found on their Lofthouse webpage.

Anyway, if you could be praying for me and for the team, I know we would all really appreciate it. I don’t know everyone I will be traveling with, and I am sure during the couple of days that we are down there things will come up. Just pray that we will be an encouragement to everyone we come in contact with while we are on this trip, and that we would be an example to each other of how to serve each other.

Post-trip I will try to put up another blurb about it, but not guarantees on just exactly when. I am going to be pulling some crazy stuff to make this all work out, and I anticipate sleeping for a few days straight after we get back. 😉

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